Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Big 3-0!!!

Well, Deanna likes to remind people whose birthday it is frequently, but so far it looks like I've beat her to saying "Happy Birthday George!" Even better, it's George's 30th today. Heh, welcome to the 30's! So far, they don't suck too horribly.

Make the best out of today, even if you have to come in and get the likes of Mauer, Morneau, and, well, Tyner out tonight.

And gosh darnit! Happy belated birthday to elsid, George's older brother. I knew I forgot to do something this weekend...


At 4/19/2007 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Mauers birthday today as well, so hopefully George gives him a strike out as a present!

At 4/21/2007 12:21 AM, Blogger Deanna said...

yeah, sorry, I'm in Pittsburgh and not really on the ball. I have no trouble remembering George's birthday just because he's closest in age to me of anyone on the team (and pretty much in the major leagues entirely). since I'll be 30 in uhh... 3 weeks or so. sigh.


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