My Turn to Apologize
Taking a page from Dave Cameron, who apologized a couple of days ago for dissin' Matt Tuiasosopo, I'm following his lead, and apologizing to King Felix. I sorta did that after his Opening Day performance, but I still feel like I need to appease Dave and others to whom I've been very anti-Felix. Nevermind Felix himself...
To Mr. Hernandez,
I’d like to make a formal apology. Even as recently as November, I commented on the all the blogs that you had a LOT to prove before I'd call you King. It’s no surprise that I’ve been pretty skeptical of your pitching abilities over the last year or so, and I didn’t think you’d pitch very well this year, either.
Now that you've stolen the spotlight from Daisuke Matsusaka by one-hitting the difficult Red Sox lineup -- in Fenway Park, no less -- and with your Opening Day domination of the A's, I’m ready to admit I was wrong. It took all of two performances for you to convince me that it may have just been growing pains and an organization that wasn't letting you be yourself, and not a lack of talent, that caused you to struggle so badly last year.
So, Felix, I’m sorry for doubting you. Please don’t stop dominating. And, all those DNA samples we've taken in attempt to clone you at least 4 times over, I'm sorry if they were annoying or painful.

Labels: apologies, Felix Hernandez
The kid is absolutely amazing... I hope his arm and psyche can both withstand the pressure. We have at least one starting pitcher worth watching this season! I hope he will continue to excel, and to inspire our other starters to do the same.
Definitely, with out a doubt. He's taken this rotation on his shoulders, if not the entire team. This lead-by-example type of attitude hasn't been seen in Marinerland since the days of GOOD Edgar and Boone, and, well, in spite of his recent shenanigans, Buhner.
But, that's what I'm truly hoping for -- as you've mentioned -- that he INSPIRES the other starters, if not the whole team to perform. And to dominate. Lord knows this team needs a player like that -- it's not going to come from the manager...
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