Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kevin Jarvis Redux

Jeff Weaver is done as a Major-League pitcher. Done. Any more appearances here will hurt this team's chances of making the playoffs, even if it's out of the 'pen.

In recent memory, Kevin Jarvis is the worst pitcher I can think of -- yes, even worse than 2006 Joel Pineiro. I know that's a lot of money to just flush down the toilet, but it was already headed that direction when the decision was made to sign Weaver.

Kevin Jarvis
Joel Pineiro
Steve Trout
Tom Niedenfuer
Bobby Ayala

ALL of the above were better than Jeff Weaver.

I know Ryan Feierabend needs some more seasoning. I'm all for giving Campillo another shot just for the heck of it. Yes, Felix is supposed to come back next week. Still, we need a pitcher and not a belly itcher!

And we need Jeff Weaver away from this team.


At 5/29/2007 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve Trout... Now that brings back some memories.


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