Monday, January 01, 2007


As I sit here by myself in the living room, watching the Space Needle explode (my wife and son are all asleep), sipping on the now 10-year-old bottle of Blue Chimay I just pulled out of the fridge, I'm really hoping 2007 is a better year than I think it's going to be. With two of my family members recently diagnosed with cancer, and with two of my wife's senior family members also on severe decline, the biggest thing I'm hoping for is health.

It sounds like the M's are done with the major changes to their roster. I am still hoping for a mulligan. I'd rather given 20 million to Aubrey Huff than 16+ million, Chris Snelling and Emiliano Fruto for Jose Vidro, but what's done is done.

So, my resolution, I suppose, for 2007 will be to look forward and to be more excited about the future, and not dwell about the things I cannot undo in the past. I'm also intending on paying more attention to the important things that I've been apathetic towards, and simultaneously giving more apathy to the things that do not matter.

It's a delicate balance indeed.


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